Get Involved at UUFC
There is so much happening at UUFC and plenty of ways to get involved! Check out our social events, interest groups, discussion groups, classes, service opportunities and more. At UUFC you can deepen your friendships, your faith, and your connection to our community. The best way to stay informed is to subscribe to our Newsletter.

First Wedneday of each month at 7:30
All members and friends of UUFC who enjoy reading novels and discussing their relevance to our lives are invited to participate. We meet on the first Wednesday of each month in the social room at UUFC and on Zoom from 7:30 to 8:30pm. Coordinated by Gail B. & Cindy L.
Come sing with us! Rehearsals are Mondays at 7:00. New folks are always welcome; experience is not necessary--just a willingness to have fun.
Contact music@uufc.org for more information.

HUULA Hikes are scheduled well ahead of time, and trail maps are reviewed prior to the hike. Once signed up for the hike, participants meet in a central location and carpool to various trailheads in the Upstate, always hiking together following safety protocol.
Coordinated by Sara S.
Thursdays at 7:00
Everyone is welcome to join us for forty minutes of silent meditation, followed by tea and conversation. Coordinated by Bob Hi.
Thursdays at 6:30
Join us on Zoom each Thursday night for Bingo! Contact admin@uufc.org for a bingo card and zoom link. Coordinated by Karen S. and our Hospitality Team.
Join us each month to watch a film and have a discussion afterward centered around the film's social justice themes. Please bring your own drink and snack! Contact Kathy C. for more information.
Coordinated by Kathy C. and our Lifelong Faith Formation Team

Small Groups
Heart & Soul Covenant Group
Sundays @ 9 am
Group reflection on life, compassion, and gratitude through music, readings and meditation.
Sojourners Covenant Group
TBA (Monthly)
All female-identifying group. Share food and fellowship while exploring spiritual topics.
Soul Matters Covenant Group
TBA {Monthly)
Explores themes such a courage, change, wonder and love. Meets via Zoom.

Social Action & Community Volunteer Opportunities

Leadership & Congregational Volunteer Opportunities
Hospitality Group
Set up morning coffee and refreshments on Sundays. Clean up tables and load dishwashers after Social Hour. Speak with Karen S. for information.
LFF Adult Group Facilitator
Lifelong Faith Formation
Plan and guide adult faith and interest groups in person or online.
Fundraising Committee
Provide in-person support for fundraising campaigns and events.
Audio/Video Tech
Communications Committee
Operate video and sound equipment and YouTube livestream during the Sunday service. Training provided.
Content Writer
Communications Committee
All creative writers are invited to assist with creating written content for the UUFC website. No interaction with the website needed. Even a short commitment helps!
Care Committee
Care Committee
Organize and provide outreach and support to members who are undergoing unexpected life changes.
LFF Youth Teacher
Lifelong Faith Formation
Teach elementary to middle school aged children's classes during the main Sunday service.
Social Media Content
Communications Committee
Reach out to UUFC and the world around us! Use your love of photography, art, or words to provide create meaningful contact with our members and community!